Ah, the cigar. Emanating power and prestige, it’s kind of like a Rolls Royce, but much easier to put in your mouth. Because of this esteemed reputation, it’s not surprising that cigars have been smoked by many of our nation’s past presidents. Whether scratching at the back door or sneaking in through an open window, cigars have found their way into the White House during several presidential terms.
We all know that JFK was an avid fan of Cuban cigars, and we know that Bill Clinton also put cigars to use – albeit strange use – but use nonetheless. However, what we might not know is that 20 of the past 43 presidents have smoked cigars. From the Civil War to the Cold War, presidents have turned to cigars in times of trials and times of joy. While some smoked cigars less zealously, the following is a list of presidents who were passionate cigars smokers, stopping just short of nominating Henry Clay for their presidential cabinets.
Zachary Taylor
The twelfth president, Zachary Taylor was known as a hero of the Mexican War and elected president in 1848. A soldier who had dedicated his life to military service, Taylor was an avid cigar smoker. However, ever a “man’s man,” he would only smoke cigars in the presence of men who were also cigar smokers. Known as “Old Rough and Ready” because of his choice of clothing, Zachary Taylor died in office after eating the ever-so-tasty combination of cherries, milk, and pickled cucumbers.
Ulysses S. Grant
If ever there was a president who was a true cigar connoisseur, it was probably Ulysses S. Grant. A Civil War hero, Grant was elected as the 18th President in 1869. Never doing anything in moderation, he was rumored to have smoked 20 cigars per day. In fact, one legend states that he smoked over 10,000 cigars in a period of five years.
During his campaign for the presidency, his cigar smoking was used as a propaganda-laden ploy with the emergence of the song, “A Smokin’ His Cigar.” With lyrics that went, “The people know just what they want. Less talk and no more war. For President, Ulysses Grant A-smoking his cigar,” US Grant was portrayed as a peace-loving man, calm and collected during times of strife. Once he was elected, Grant took his love for the cigar even further and was rarely photographed without a cigar in hand, or in mouth.
Chester Arthur
The 21st President elected in 1881, Chester Arthur was society’s president, known for lavish clothing, midnight suppers, and meals filled with champagne and expensive cigars. Fired for bribery and corruption in earlier years, Arthur grew to be called “The Gentleman Boss,” showcasing politeness, social stature and the luxuries of the times. This ultimately brought him, and the cigar, to a new level of honor and caused the journalist Alexander K. McClure to write, “No man ever entered the Presidency so profoundly and widely distrusted, and no one ever retired… more generally respected.”
William McKinley
According to legend, William McKinley, the 25th President, was the inspiration for the Wizard in the movie the Wizard of Oz. The elusiveness of the Wizard is fitting for McKinley’s elusive cigar smoking. While he was never photographed with a cigar, and rarely seen in public smoking, when alone it is rumored that he was borderline obsessive about this luxury. In fact, the White House Chief Usher once stated that McKinley had a passion for cigars unlike any other president. Whenever he was in the White House, there was always one in his mouth.
Warren G. Harding
Warren G. Harding, the 29th President elected in 1921, was widely known as a President more concerned with playing poker and golf than running the country. However, he did have some good qualities. One of these was the fact that, prior to declining health, he personally answered all letters from US citizens. Another good quality was that he was a cigar smoker, one who was so particular about the aroma of his cigars that he hauled his cigar humidor from Ohio to the White House.
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon, the 37th President elected in 1969, may have uttered the words, “I am not a crook,” from the highest mountain top, but he never would have been caught saying, “I am not a cigar smoker.” Although he wasn’t a habitual cigar smoker, he did indulge as a sign of camaraderie with other world leaders. In fact, Nixon’s term was the last term in which cigars were offered after dinner for men to enjoy in the Green Room.
From Presidents who fought in the Mexican War to those who oversaw the Vietnam War, our leaders’ hands have embraced cigars for centuries. While Richard Nixon was the last President to smoke cigars, we can rest assured that there will be many more. Because we live in a Democratic nation, where we have the power of the vote, we can almost guarantee it.
About The Author
Jennifer Marie Jordan is an editor and staff writer for www.whatsknottolove.com. At home in a design firm in Denver, Colorado, she writes articles specific to the finer things in life.
Dessert Recipes
Chelsi WoolzThe word “dessert” comes from the old French word “desservir” which means to clear the table. Sometimes referred to as “afters” desserts are usually a sweet ending to a meal. Included below are two popular dessert recipes. Give them a try and have a sweet ending to your meal.
What Are Cupcake Boxes and Why Do I Need Them?
When it comes to making cupcakes, this is what every baker should know: it’s not about the perfect recipe or how pretty your cupcakes are, it is whether or not you can get your cupcake creations from point A to point B without them getting crushed. Specifically you need to know how cupcake box is used, and what features you should expect from a cupcake box. After reading this article you should be able to choose the best box to transport your cupcakes.
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Lebkuchenhertz, or The German Gingerbread
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Caramel Popcorn: A Halloween Tradition
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Graduation Cake Decorations: Perfect For Everything From Kindergarten to College
Ed MarlinPersonalized graduation cake decorations are a great way of expressing your love and caring whether you are making a cake for friends graduating from college or your little ones passing out of kindergarten. Some of these decorations are simple and can be done with easily available household articles. For the perfect way to easily make your graduate’s celebration special, read on.
Michael’s Cake Decorating Class
Michael’s is a highly reputable store that offers cake supplies and conducts fun cake decorating classes. These are Wilton lessons, which means that you can expect quality. The content is well structured and the lessons have been offered to the public for years.
What Are The Lessons Learned From Cake Decorating Classes?
Cake decorating classes are becoming very popular. They teach you how to decorate cakes and this skill allows you to save money. You can find classes at a number of different local community resources and once you learn how to decorate your own cakes, you will both impress your friends and save some money at the bakery.
Beginning Cake Decorating
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Cupcake Instructions For Beginners
Ehi ObayeMethod: 1. Whip the cream with a whisk (electrical or manual) until it’s light and fluffy. Put this in the fridge for later 2. Pre-heat the oven to 160C/140C fan/Gas mark 3 3. Lay out cupcake cases.
How To Make Dulce De Tamarindo
Tamarind originates from Asia, so how did it get to be so popular in Mexico? The Spanish brought tamarinds to Mexico from the Philippines in the late 1500s. Since then, it has taken Mexico by storm. It is used for candy, like in this recipe, for sauces, beverages and it is eaten fresh. Tamarind is known for its sweet-tart flavor combination. It pairs well with chipotle or other chilies and is used in many recipes.
Orange Dust Cookies
Orange Dust cookies, or Polvorones de Naranja in Spanish, are popular cookies in Mexico. Flavored with orange juice and zest, they have a bright, citrus flavor. While you can find these cookies all year long in Mexico, they are especially popular around Christmas, when oranges are in season. Citrus seems to be connected to the holidays in a long-standing tradition.
Polvorones De Cacahuate: Delicious Peanut Cookies
Polvorones de cacahuate, or peanut clouds, are small cookies that are thick and crumbly. They are a basic cookie stocked in every Mexican bakery. While they are traditionally served at baptisms, first communions and fiestas, they are enjoyed any day of the year.
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Delicious Dulce Poblano De Camotes
Sweet potatoes are a traditional food from Mexico. Not to be confused with yams, or Ipomoea dioscorea that we get in the grocery stores, Mexican sweet potatoes are native to tropical America and bear the name Ipomoea batatus. You can use yams in this recipe, however, with no problem. Sweet potatoes were eaten to stretch the last of the corn harvest from the previous year and used as a nutritious thickener.
Becoming a Pastry Chef Has Never Been Easier – And You Can Start Right in Your Hometown
Ed MarlinBecoming a pastry chef is a career objective for a lot of people looking to get out of the corporate rat race and go after their dream job. However, many people who have the talent and culinary instincts to succeed in this field simply don’t know where or how to begin. How do you test the waters to see if this glamorous and lucrative career is for you? Here is a good place to start, and it’s right in your own hometown.
Becoming A Pastry Chef Has Never Been Easier With These Online Cake Decorating Learning Options
Ed MarlinBecoming a pastry chef has been a goal for enthusiastic cooks for many years. However, with the recent popularity of the Food Network and other popular food-oriented TV programs, the profession now enjoys a level of visibility it has never had before. But for people who want to pursue this career but can’t afford to leave their jobs, what options do they have? Thankfully, many cake making courses are available at a very low cost.
Wilton Cake Decorating Class
Wilton offers cake decorating courses for those who want to pick up baking quickly. Don’t expect overnight success. Be patient and learn the fundamentals well and you are on your way to becoming a master baker.
Cake Stand Hire to Display Your Delicious Masterpiece
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Vegan Chocolate Brownie
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How to Make Use of Christmas Sweets on Kiddie Parties
During birthdays, the celebrant is the only person with gifts. However, why not change this tradition by handling out some simple gifts to all the children who attended? Five year-old kids would especially love this idea. You don’t need to wrap expensive toys, teddy bears or even Barbie dolls to do so.
Candy Making – Even Kids Can Do It
Kids are no different from most people in the sense that they love candy making. In fact, they are fascinated with the way people make that deliciously sweet treat. Now as an adult, it is your responsibility to nurture these little ones minds and teach them the basics of candy making. But how can you do that when you yourself don’t know how to make candy?
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Cupcakes and Christmas Sweets
Traditional cupcakes are commonly adorned with sprinkles and my mom used to do it too. But when I grew up loving Christmas sweets, I asked her if I can incorporate my favorite candies as topping too. Of course I could and I was so delighted with the colorful result. We bake cupcakes because it takes less time to cook. We also created chocolates, cookies and other pastries but I love holding this tiny creation.
Origins of My Favorite Christmas Sweets – Candies
Let’s start with my favorite delectable sweet the caramel. Caramels are a form of toffee made from sugar, butter and cream. This candy first appeared in the 18th century and is basically North American innovation. They were imported from America to Europe and were sold at dear prices. When competition showed up, the quality of caramel candies suffered. The once prized item is imitated until the public became afraid to buy “fake” caramels.
Bloomingdale’s Gluten Fee Dessert Offerings at Cafes in Five Store Locations
Bloomingdale’s Cafe 504 & 40 Carrots are stepping up their game, with an addition of allergen friendly dessert options to their menu. Look out for the Gluten Free Rainbow Cookies & Gluten Free Back & White Cookies. These cookies are bringing an authentic taste of NY to 5 Bloomies locations on the east coast.