A Look At Regional Mexican Cuisine
There is more to Mexican cuisine than what you can experience in a restaurant. Each area of Mexico has its own unique flavors and specialties for you to enjoy. Mexico is divided into three major regions… the North, the Central, and the South. Smaller regions within each large area also have their own special recipes.
The North is cattle country. Both dairy and beef cows are raised in this arid, rugged part of Mexico. Wheat is also grown, so many recipes will use flour, such as tortillas. Tortillas are made fresh every day and are often used to hold spreads and creamy fillings. The local dairies produce fresh cheeses that are enjoyed in many ways.
Northern cuisine is much simpler than in other areas of Mexico. They also use less spice. Many dishes are prepared over an open flame, adding its own flavor. Beef stews, enchiladas, and beans are common foods in the north. Chilies such as Anaheims are popular in this region for their mildness and subtle heat. Pico de gallo, a salsa made of onions, tomatoes and chiles, is served with most meals.
Central Mexico is fertile and green. The Spanish influence is keenly felt here and you find many dishes using Spanish foods like pork, sugar, almonds, rice, and dairy products. Fresh markets sell sweet potatoes, avocadoes, chilies and other foods raised locally. Dishes like picadillo, which is a combination of almonds, raisins, and meat, are common fillings for tortillas and tacos. In the city of Veracruz, seafood reigns supreme. The foods in this area are highly influenced by French, African, and Spanish cuisine.
In southern Mexico, you may find yourself wandering the Yucatan Peninsula. Oaxaca is part of this region. This area is known for its rugged terrain and isolated towns. Due to this isolation, Oaxaca enjoys a reputation for truly authentic Mexican cuisine. The culinary customs of centuries past are intact here. One of the most delicious local snacks is a dish of grilled chilies smothered in melted local cheese. Travelers from all over the world visit here to enjoy the true taste of Mexico.
Mexico is a terrific place to take a culinary tour. Each region and even cities within each region offer you new taste sensations that even the most dedicated foodie will enjoy. Traveling through Mexico will expand your pal
ate to flavors you only dreamed of.
Top your meal off with a mexican dessert. These desserts are a wonderful treat on their own. Choose from a creamy flan to Mexican Wedding cookies… every dessert is delicious. Take bunuelos, for instance. This holiday dessert is a crisp pastry covered in sugar and cinnamon. It is the perfect accompaniment to coffee or hot chocolate.
Mexican cuisine is a wonderful way to explore the culture, beauty and history of Mexico. Try the different recipes from the various regions. They will help you understand the diversity of this marvelous country. Do not forget to top off each meal with a delicious dessert. There are specialties that are only made at certain times of the year and common ones to enjoy anytime. Let Mexican cuisine show you a whole new world.
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Some of the best Mexican dessert recipes are aimed at people with a sweet tooth. Ingredients like vanilla, chocolate and cinnamon are popular when it comes to Mexican desserts and fresh fruit is always well loved too. If these ingredients sound good to you, you’re going to love making Mexican dessert recipes and you can choose from cake, cookies, dessert empanadas and more.
www.MexicanDessertRecipes.net The Sweet Side of Mexican Food