Your Acid Reflux Syndrome
You are in an important meeting and are just about to close the biggest deal of your career. You should be somewhere up on cloud nine, but you only just manage to present a happy smiling face to your colleagues. Its not that youre not over the moon, and wouldnt like to celebrate with the rest of them, but youve got that burning feeling again that tells you that you shouldnt have had that burrito for lunch. You are suffering from heartburn. Or so you think. In actuality you could be suffering from Acid Reflux Syndrome.
Its not as bad as it sounds, or even looks like in print for that matter, but it is bad enough to keep you from enjoying your life. So, what exactly is acid reflux syndrome? Well, I can tell you what its not. Its not indigestion, and its not heartburn, the two main things that acid reflux syndrome get confused with everyday.
Since the simplest answer is always the best, most people will say theyve got indigestion. Others will stick to, its simple heartburn, thats all Ive got as if their life depended upon it. But very few people realize that what they have might not be either of these two cases, but something else that closely mirrors them, like acid reflux syndrome.
Generally speaking, the guidelines for prevention are the same for all three disorders, as are the simpler treatment methods. Even the initial symptoms are the same, but with a few minor differences that can narrow down the field of diagnosis.
Some of the most common symptoms for acid reflux syndrome include, but are not limited to, intense heartburn, stomach problems, a consistent cough, a roughened voice, a sour or bitter taste in your mouth, and also a problem swallowing.
And thats just a few of the symptoms that sufferers from acid reflux syndrome will experience. As you can see however, heartburn is also a symptom, and not necessarily the cause of this syndrome.
If you think you might have acid reflux syndrome, you will need to consult your physician as soon as possible. If left untreated for any length of time, there is good chance that you will suffer from acid reflux syndrome for the rest of your life.
To give you a slight idea of what exactly acid reflux syndrome entails, it occurs when the liquids in your stomach (acids, foods etc.) come back up the esophageal pipe, in a reflux action. This damages the l
ining of the esophagus, and causes the burning sensation that you feel. Thats why acid reflux syndrome needs to be treated promptly. Any delay on your part could result in the esophagus being damaged badly, thereby impairing it for your lifetime.
If you think you have acid reflux syndrome, then seek medical attention as soon as possible. Remember to never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. In this case it could prove to have serious and long term effects on your health.
By: Bakhru
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